Reasons for Providing Choices in Student Learning
A differentiation in instruction lead to improved learning outcomes! This is important for four main reasons:
- Current research points to the effective use of choice.
- The body of research supports the use of differentiated, multisensory teaching strategies. There are many different strategies that may be used effectively, including differentiated instruction, project-based learning, and multisensory learning.
- Effective choice can increase student engagement.
- Choice engages a student's personal interests. Students who are interested in a learning activity and curious about an outcome with have more passion for the learning. Engaged students also utilize better work habits.
- Today's students must have critical thinking skills that surpass memorization.
- In spite of the trend toward standardized testing that only measures lower-order thinking, students must develop critical thinking skills. Choice allows students to select a problem and use problem solving skills and creativity- both higher order skills.
- Different modes of delivery and assessment are made possible by technology.
- Technology allows us to reach every child! Choices in delivery, assessment, and learning environments will move our students toward acquiring 21st century skills that they will need as they enter the work force.